The film portrays the evolving dynamics of contemporary relationships, where love takesvarious forms. The story is of a modern live-in couple, both secretly deciding to observe Karwa Chauth without informing their partner. Each is uncertain about how their 'modern' partner would react, not wanting to make them feel uncomfortable due to the tradition.
Skincare brand Dabur Fem has unveiled its latest ad film as part of their #GlowOfLove campaign. The film encourages viewers to embrace thebeauty of modern relationships and underscores that the nature of arelationship should never diminish the commitment shared betweenpartners.
The film portrays the evolving dynamics of contemporary relationships, where love takes various forms. The story is of a modern live-in couple,both secretly deciding to observe Karwa Chauth without informing theirpartner. Each is uncertain about how their 'modern' partner would react,not wanting to make them feel uncomfortable due to the tradition. Whatunfolds is a touching revelation – both partners share the same longingfor each other's well-being.
Virat Khanna, head of marketing, skin care, Dabur, says, “In modernrelationships, ancient customs and traditions like Karva Chauth don’tfind a place, as they’re seen as being regressive.
“We at Fem wanted our film to demonstrate the blend of age-oldcustoms with the realities of modern-day relationships. It is acelebration of love, commitment, and the beauty of traditions thatendure and adapt in our changing world.”
Rohan Hukeri, executive vice president, Mumbai, Delhi of brandsolutions at Schbang, adds, " The #GlowOfLove campaign is the fruit of meticulous conceptualisation and ideation by the Schbang team. Weaimed to craft a narrative that beautifully captures the essence of modern relationships while respectfully embracing the culturalsignificance of Karwa Chauth.”
The #GlowOfLove campaign by Dabur Fem embodies the brand'sdedication to embracing modern relationships and celebrating thediverse ways in which love is expressed. It serves as a reminder that, inthe end, love is love, and it is the source of the radiant glow in our lives