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Launching Bharat Ka Super Auto with Montra Electric

Montra Electric, a prestigious branch of the 123-year-old Murugappa Group, embarked on a transformative journey with us through their "Bharat ka Super Auto" campaign. 

The campaign aims to captivate a national audience by communicating in six different languages. It aims to redefine the efficiency and sustainability of last-mile transportation in India, positioning Super Auto as a revolutionary player in the electric three-wheeler industry.

The ad film cleverly used the 203 KM range in one charge as a central theme, blending it with a captivating tour of a city. This approach not only showcased the vehicle's capabilities but also captured the essence of urban mobility dynamically and engagingly.

The "Bharat ka Super Auto" campaign’ multilingual approach ensured broad audience engagement, positioning Montra Electric as a frontrunner in the electric three-wheeler sector & communicating a commitment to providing a sustainable and efficient solution for India's last-mile mobility needs.

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